Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pinky's Fandance, Monday Edition

After my success at Kingsbury Hall with Jim Gaffigan the other night, I started to imagine all the celebrities who come to town and discovered that Bryan Adams was playing in concert tonight. Although it was a bit of a long shot, I figured it couldn't hurt to try for a picture.After the show was over I went and stood with some diehard fans who were hoping for autographs. A guy from the tour came over to talk with us and said Bryan would be coming out to the car soon and may or may not come over. Um, OK. When Bryan finally did come out, everyone started asking him questions and he just said, "Yes yes yes and yes" but then he opened the car door. Someone asked him another question and he said, "I have to put down my tea" and then got in the car (which I thought was kinda weird, but whatever). When it was my turn, I asked for a picture and he said, "Go ahead." I'd actually seen him earlier, but didn't realize it was him - he looked right at me while I was waiting by a different door. I wish I'd asked for a picture then....but at least he agreed. After Tori Amos being so kind to her fans, I kinda think everyone should be more like that, but at least he stopped. It was a fluke to go over there, but I'm glad I did! :)

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