Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Celebrate the Pink

Today at work I received an award for outstanding customer service. What an exciting day! One of my biggest clients sent in the following letter to my boss:
Per the message below, I wanted to take a moment to provide you with feedback on the outstanding support that has been provided to us by Pinky Lovejoy (*name changed to protect the innocent). The dedication she has shown to our company is more than noteworthy. From simple confirmation request to more complex situations that require further information gathering, she has always addressed each in the most prompt fashion. I have several requests that I receive from my field HR team where I require further information from your company and Pinky has always addressed immediately. This makes it much easier for me to manage the inquiries, ensuring that I have an informed HR team, which in turn results in a happy employee workforce. The thing that strikes me most about Pinky is her eagerness to help. She is always more than happy to help in anyway she can. I have dealt with other vendors in the past where I would dread calling for support knowing that the person on the other end felt as though I was bothering them. Pinky has always made me feel as though she values our business and her biggest priority is ensuring she provides the best support to our company which she has done without a doubt. I cannot emphasize enough what an asset she has been. You should be proud to have her on your team as I know we are extremely pleased to have her as our rep.
How cool is that? Now, of course, she didn't actually call me Pinky, but for the purposes of this blog, we're going with that name. All in all, it was really cool to receive such a great letter. Plus, now I get to select an award! If only I could decide what to get....decisions, decisions! :)

1 comment:

  1. I always knew you were outstanding. Now I have the proof! (As if I needed proof...)
