Sunday, August 9, 2009

Where Do I Find An Unbreakable Heart???

Can someone please help me locate an unbreakable heart? That would be great. This week I've been involved in a whirlwind romance which had me twitterpated, excited, and somewhat hopeful. Sadly, as of last night, it unfortunately ended almost as quickly as it'd begun. In recounting what might've happened, I present the following examples of the Tragedy of Pinky Lovejoy's Relationships: Step 1: Boy Meets Girl (most likely on the internet). Step 2: Despite (and perhaps because of) some serious red flags, girl immediately starts crushing on boy. Step 3: Crush increases exponentially in record time. Girl engages in any matter of the following behaviors: Talks about him constantly, makes a CD, spends way too much time with and/or thinking about him, and expressing her love sentiments.
Step 4: Girl smothers boy to the point of idiocy. Thinks she's being cute and nice, but in reality is probably a mental case. Step 5: Boy runs for his life. Girl left behind, like always. Sad and crying.
Step 6: Repeat. Ad naseum.
As we all know, the main problem here is that my poor little pink heart has barely begun to heal from The Break-Up (yes, I know it's been months, but I haven't done a stellar job of feeling the pain, which is therefore extending the healing time). As my friend Marisol described, my heart barely has a scab on it, but with this new rejection, it's like the scab was picked and my wound is fresh and new. Crap! The last thing I want is to start over on this stupid broken-hearted adventure. Perhaps if I was able to locate an unbreakable heart I could end this cycle once and for all? One can only hope, right?

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