Monday, August 24, 2009

Tragedy Averted

It's been an interesting evening. It began on my way home from work when I didn't feel like cooking and stopped by the Rio Grande Cafe for some yummy takeout. While there I found out that the waiter I complained about a few weeks ago was fired the night I made the complaint (insert guilt here). Now, granted, the guy was a terrible waiter, but still. I feel a little bad about that. Then I came home and was playing on my iPhone when it suddenly stopped responding. I tried to plug it in, reset it, turn it on/off....nothing. My panic gradually grew and grew with each attempt until I was in full fledged freak-out mode and rushing down to the Apple store as though my firstborn child had been hit by a car. Seriously. It wasn't pretty. So, I get to the Apple store with my iPhone Emergency and luckily they're able to squeeze me into the Genius Bar without an appointment. Despite the guy talking to me as though I was a moron (read: like a mechanic talks to a blonde), he did end up saving my iPhone. Well, somewhat. We'll see what I've lost tomorrow when I'm able to restore everything. For now, I've just got a working phone. I thought it'd be OK because I've got the Apple Care program on it, and therefore they'll replace anything wrong with it. However, since it's the first edition, it takes a week to get a new iPhone. A WEEK?!?! I would seriously die a week without it. Sad, I know. Luckily, the night was saved by watching the Bridget Jones movies. I forgot how much I love them, but they never cease to bring a smile to my face. What great films with two delightfully saucy men (with accents to boot). :)

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