Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An Open Letter to Oprah Winfrey

Dear O (can I call you O? Is that OK? Oh, who am I kidding? Of course it is), Let's talk. I tuned into your show last night and, once again, I have to say I'm growing more and more disturbed by your choice of hair style. What's going on there, girlfriend? Why must you insist on growing it out? You're not a bad looking woman; in fact, sometimes I'm rather fond of your chic clothing and adorable hair styles. Wait. Let me clarify: I mean your SHORT hair styles. For whatever reason, this new long hair look of yours is NOT doing you any favors. I understand the desire to grow out one's hair and perhaps you were looking for a bit of change. Fair enough. But it's time to knock it off. Cut that mop off immediately and go back to being the spry little host with the enviable look. This picture above? NOT hot. Get it together, please. Thankyouverymuch. Your friend (but only when you have shorter hair), Pinky Lovejoy

1 comment:

  1. LMAO! I have to agree, her shorter hair looks much better! Some people just can't do the long hair, and she is really one of them! I DO LOVE OPRAH THOUGH-SHE ROCKS!
