Friday, August 7, 2009

How Much Do You Change?

When I was in 4th grade, I had a crush on a boy who loved Quiet Riot (specifically the "Metal Health" tape). Immediately I borrowed said tape to play on my ghetto blaster (don't laugh) and listened to it constantly, hoping my tastes would somehow change overnight and we'd both be able to love Quiet Riot together. In 5th grade, I liked a boy who loved football and I tried mercilessly to sit through an entire Superbowl so that I'd have something to talk with him about. Sadly, these habits formed early: When you like a boy, you like the same stuff he does. Isn't that how it works? Now, I'd like to think I'm a fairly independent, free-thinking person, but apparently, when in the presence of a boy, I'm still that same little chubby 4th grader singing "Bang Your Head" and hoping to be transformed in a metal-loving girl (flash forward all these years later and, well, I'm still not). Do we ever grow out of this? How much change is too much? In general, I think branching out and trying new things is good, right? But where do you draw the line between being true to who you are and just conforming to every schmo who comes along? Thoughts?


  1. Can't say I was ever like that. I always tried to find something that we had in common and would build upon that. It usually worked and was a lot less painful(sitting through your mentioned football game or liking metal music, etc.). lol

  2. I think that it's important to try new things. If your friend suggests a new place to eat, you go because you don't know if you'll like it or not. In this way, I think that it's okay to find out something that a guy likes and try it out- listening to Quiet Riot for example. Maybe you will like it and maybe you won't. I think that the line needs to be drawn when you've tried something and you know you truly don't like it but pretend to for the sake of the guy.

  3. Would it surprise you to hear me say I still love some of the songs on the Metal Health album? I think it's about the only metal I ever really got into...
