Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Frogger Makes Me Happy

For the most part, I think I had a pretty good childhood. My mom was home for most of my younger years and would have freshly baked cookies for us after school (don’t be jealous). We all played various sports, had a lot of friends, and lived near a lake where we could fish and swim during the summer. But the one thing my house didn’t have was video games. Well, I guess that’s not entirely true. We did have some ghetto version of a soccer game on an old Texas Instruments computer, but that doesn’t really count. It was lame. So, we’d look forward to either going to the mall (where we could play games in the arcade), Chuck E. Cheese, or to a friend’s house (as most of our friends – as well as the rest of the Free World - had an Atari). One of my friends had this game called Trashman and it was the greatest game ever. I wish I knew how to find that.As I’ve grown up, there still aren’t many video games I play. I’m not sure if that’s due to a lack of exposure, or because I’m a creature of habit and only play games I can win. My favorite game in the entire world is Ms. Pac-Man. I’m an outstanding player (not to brag…..). After Ms. Pac-Man, my loves would be Dig Dug and Frogger. Anything other than that doesn’t really interest me. So, imagine my delight to find an application for Frogger on my iPhone today (!). How fun! I decided my iPhone deserved a little treat for responding so well to the reboot and not losing any of my contacts or important information. Thank goodness!

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