Sunday, August 9, 2009

Finish the Sentences

I saw this on Inge's blog and thought it was fun: My ex is ... still a major source of heartbreak for me. Maybe I should ... clean my apartment. I love ... sleeping in on the weekends. People would say that I ... am a wee bit obsessive. I don't understand why ... I can't mend my broken heart. When I wake up in the morning ... I hit the snooze button a dozen times. I lost my ... mind quite awhile ago. Life is full of ... chaos. My past is ... a little too much in my present most of the time. I get annoyed by ... people who don't do what they say they're going to do. Parties are ... fun, but I seem to go to fewer as I get older. I wish life was not ... so unsettled. Dogs are ... scary. Cats are ... annoying. Tomorrow is ... another Monday. Blech. I have a low tolerance ... for stupidity. If I had a million dollars ... I'm sure I would spend it all too quickly, despite having lofty goals of paying off all my debt. I'm totally terrified ... of snakes. My significant other is ... somewhere out there, dragging his feet. My hopes for the future is ... to be happy.

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