Monday, August 3, 2009

Facebook Brings the World Together

Another day, another big find on Facebook - this time in the shape of a super cute lifeguard I met while vacationing with my family in Palm Springs one summer.He took me out (I think I was like 16) while we were there and then actually followed us to Knotts Berry Farm and hung out with us at the park. I don't know why our hot romance fizzled after that (since it was only 20 years ago), but I do know we spoke when I was in college and he was going to come visit me. But I'm pretty sure that's the last time we spoke. Flash forward to this weekend and there he was on Facebook. Surprise! Of course, he didn't remember me right away (the nerve!), but after a brief explanation he remembered my existence. See? Just as I suspected...Facebook brings the world together (whether we like it or not....). As we all know, I love walking down memory lane, so it was super fun to find my old friend (who is, of course, married with children now, like the rest of the free world). My list of "people I'd like to find" is dwindling pretty low now. What will I do when I find them all (and they're not all boys, btw). :)

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