Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Ex Factor

This may come as a bit of a surprise to you, but I’m actually not a psychotic ex-girlfriend. I don’t know anyone’s email passwords or voicemail codes. I don’t drive by their house a million times a day. Sure, I may be miserable inside, but I don’t normally like to show that to the person who caused it. Of course, I do know AFMF’s pin number for his bank, but I don’t think that’ll help without the actual ATM card. Oh well. So, I don’t know why, but I keep thinking I’m destined to run into AFMF somewhere around town. Of course, I’m sure it’ll be on the day I just walked out of the shower, wearing no make-up, messy hair, and looking a fright. This sucks. I’d like to win the Break-up War and look super cute when we cross paths again. The last two times I saw him (the night we broke up – when I just cried my eyes out – and the time he came by when I was sick) I did not look hot stuff. Why couldn’t I have left a better impression? It annoys me. And, no, I don’t know why we’re talking about him. I know I said I was going to knock it off. I think it’s this freaking Colbie Caillat break-up CD. I’m totally blaming Colbie for my state of mind right now. She is NOT being a good BFF today. These songs are torturing me just a wee bit.

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