Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Errands Shmerrands

Is that how you spell Shmerrands (oh wait, it's not an actual word. My mistake)? Yesterday was a monster errand running day - the kind of sucky errands that you put off as long as you can and then do them all at once. Why is that? Wouldn't it be less painful to spread them out? No matter. The dreaded tasks started at Traffic Court where I went to fight a parking ticket for my registration not showing. Ugh. After that, I picked up a prescription at Costco, then took a return back to Wal-mart (ugh) and was helped by a lady with ONE tooth (wow). Aside from the return, my main purpose of Wal-mart was to pick up some toiletpaper....which I forgot to get until my cart was all the way to my car. Blurgh! A few more stops later and I finally made it home to put away groceries, shower, eat, and try to relax. Fun times!

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