Monday, August 31, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Sunday Edition

Hello and welcome to the belated edition of Sunday's Celebrity Wrap Up. Gwen Stefani is just the epitome of cool. That being said, her son is already giving the papparazzi the death stare. Too funny!
Wow, I didn't know Paula Abdul had it in her to look this normal and good. Perhaps leaving AI was the right move after all? My real reason for posting this picture is that, as we all know, my favorite celebrity baby is in the picture. Behold Shiloh Jolie-Pitt! Wielding a pink sword? Even better. Wait - is her mom in black? Shocking. Debbi Morgan is apparently a huge fan of Gone with the Wind, or sheets, and low-flow showers. Why is her hair so flat?Winsor Harmon is so bright and shiny. Does Elton John know he's been robbed?

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