Monday, July 13, 2009

Poor Little Reid.....Let Me Nurse Your Broken Heart

Before we begin, I've got one comment - they're dedicating WAY too much time to Ed and building it up more than anyone else. I'm afraid he's going to be the one to leave tonight....darnit! I love him. I'm bummed. OK, I'm getting ahead of myself. It's so hard when we get down to the Top Three (or Two), especially when I like all the choices, because none of them are doing anything wrong. How will she decide? This would be SO hard - I don't even know how I'd pull off a choice like this. Jillian's first big date in Hawaii was with Kiptyn, who was totally perfect and sweet, like usual. I did enjoy their interaction with the trust issues and jumping (p.s. I would NEVER do anything like that - egads. Yuch!). I thought he was very encouraging and said everything right. Maybe too perfect? I don't know why she'd trust him more than Reid or Ed, but OK. Whatever, Jill.Reid, of course, was his adorable little self. I loved how nervous he was on the helicopter when she teased him about getting married. He does seem a bit slow on the trigger finger (but wouldn't Kiptyn be the same way? He also said he doesn't see an engagement in the future), but who knows. So, she trusts Kiptyn, but she feels the most comfortable with Reid? I'm a bit foggy on how that works. Does she really know what she's talking about? I mean, come on.

Ed, oh Ed. I fear your days are numbered. Did they really just label you as impotent on national TV? And since when do we see that much action? I mean, with Kiptyn he closed the door right away. With Reid, I thought the bath was a little too risque (call me a prude if you much, but it was). But now this? Really? How can she say there's no spark? What show is she watching? Heck, I was turned on watching the massage oil. Where was she? Ed's parents were sweet...his dad made me cry a little bit when he teared up. Too cute.

WOW!!! Reid got the boot?? Yikes. I would've picked Reid over Kiptyn, but what do I know? She definitely doesn't seem sure of her decision. Oh, as a side note: Chris Harrison really needs to work on his sincerity. He did not sound really sorry when he told Reid to say his goodbyes. Yes, Reid should've stepped up and fought more for Jillian. But, booting him? I think she should've kept Reid, but then it'd be a huge fight to the finish at the end. I really like her with Ed. I'm not sold on Kiptyn. We'll see....they only show us what they want us to see, right? :)

As we all recall, this is the episode where Jason booted everyone's shock and dismay. Hmmm. Just an observation. Oh, snap! Who's coming back? Reid? Predictions?


  1. I honestly really liked Reid! He was a great guy! I think she will regret letting him go!!!!

  2. I am about 99% Reid comes back and proposes on the final episode. He was way too regretful in the limo. I love him too. JIllian's own little Chandler Bing. How could she let him go? I like Ed and Kiptyn too. But Reid is my favorite. Two entire weeks to wait...*sigh*. However, I think I will get to see a glimpse of Jesse in the Men Tell All episode next week. Yum!
