Monday, July 27, 2009

North Carolina?!? But It's So Far....

I'm back! :) Did you miss me? After roughly 1700 miles in a car over the past five days (what is wrong with me?), I'm now safely back home (finally!). I pretty much never want to be in my car again. Anyway, let's get to blogging.
My trip started on Thursday with an overnight stay in St. George with Christi (aka Crusty) before she moved to North Carolina. We ended up having dinner at some Pirate Pizza place (which was a cross between Chuck E. Cheese and the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland) before an exciting shopping trip to Wal-Mart and then watching a movie. It was awesome to be able to spend more time with her before she moved sooooo far away. I miss her already! Thanks, Crusty, for a great time! :) Love ya.

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