Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Men Tell All

So, after the neverending nosebleed yesterday, the only thing I was able to do last night was to finally get caught up on The Men Tell All episode of The Bachelorette. OMG! So funny. I mean, are these guys for real? So much machismo in the room! Chris Harrison seriously cracks me up. How does he keep a straight face?First things first, in all my years of being a devoted fan, I have NEVER seen the third place castoff not be at the show. Chris said, "Reid had a previous ENGAGEMENT." Hmm, foreshadowing much? Plus, then they showed Reid in the previews for next week and on Jillian's blog she said the final rose will be controversial. I'm afraid the final two (Kiptyn and Ed) are going to be sent packing and Reid might get the girl. My prediction, at least. My absolute favorite line of the show was when one of the guys said Jake "pulled a Mesnick" (in reference to Jason Mesnick's - the last Bachelor - infamous cry on the balcony). SO funny. I wish they would've gotten predictions from the guys on who will win. I was surprised how mean they were to perfect little Jakey-poo. Does he need some consoling? No surprise that slimeball Wes couldn't show his face. Do you think he watched the show? All in all, it was fun to watch. I didn't see that guy strip down though (like on the previews). Did they cut out the best part? Who do you think will win? Did you think Reid's absence was telling? Am I just wishful thinking?

1 comment:

  1. I think Reid comes back! I can't wait till Monday! And it was NO SURPRISE that Wes the snake didn't show up! LOL! What a COWARD! Poor Jake! All those jerks just can't handle what a NICE guy is is! I can't stand that David guy either!
