Saturday, July 4, 2009

Farmer's Market with the Family

I was lucky enough to be joined at the Farmer's Market today by Jay, Vauri, Owen, and Ava. We had a great time! The rain stayed away long enough for us to enjoy exploring all the market had to offer and Owen even got a few cool balloon animals. The first one was a sword, which he kinda broke by overusing it, and the second one was a dog he named Spike (which can be seen in these pictures). My favorite thing was when he was saying something about being hungry and I asked if Spike was hungry too. Owen replied, "Spike isn't real. He's a balloon." Oh, thank you. I had no idea. :) Of course, within a minute Spike was barking and talking...some balloon. Most of my time walking around was spent holding Ava with one arm (which I loved, but then my arms started to get tired after a long time) and holding hands withn Owen with the other. After I gave Ava to Jay, we got Owen up on my shoulders for the duration of the market and he loved being up so high. I loved our pictures with the kids on our shoulders (even if I look somewhat insane in the last one). I had a great time with their little family and was stoked they could come down and go to one of my favorite places with me.

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