Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Wednesday Edition

Hello and welcome to Wednesday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Why does it take two people to hold onto Rihanna's umbrella (ella-ella-ella)? And what's with the hat? Is it just me, or does it seem a *wee* bit ridiculous?

Why, hello there, Brad. Are you waving to me? Of course you are. Who's your friend behind you? He's sure creepy.Wow - the only person I know who's crazier for Josh Grobin than Katy Perry is Hiba - perhaps she should get a matching tattoo? :)

Matthew Mc-con-a-hottie looks as hot as ever....but why is he wearing a shirt?Speaking of not wearing clothes, this is not the person I'd like to see nudia patootie. Cover up, Gaga. You're grossing us all out. Wear a muppet or something. Please.

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