Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Thursday Edition

Hello and welcome to Thursday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Do you think Angelina's got an entire closet full of black clothes? Let's see....what will I wear today? Black perhaps? She's probably got more black than I have pink (and that's A LOT I'm telling you). Awww. Poor little pumpkin. Sad little Jessica was broken up with the DAY before her birthday. Ouch (and I thought 6 days before mine was bad - plus, my break up wasn't noted in People magazine). That's gotta sting. I suppose I'll allow her sad little face for now.We don't see quite enough of Adam Sandler around these parts. Of course, I still think it's weird when celebs wear other celebs on their shirts. It creeps me out. What if he runs into Enimem? Can you say awkward?Holy crap! Did Posh Spice actually wear clothes that cover her body? Like almost entirely? I'm shocked.Did Elizabeth Banks decide to walk the red carpet on the way home from some random guy's house? She totally looks like she's doing the Walk of Shame.

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