Monday, July 27, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Saturday Edition

Welcome to the delayed edition of Saturday's Celebrity Wrap Up. Do you think their numbers are significant? Number of spouses? Waist size? IQ?
Rihanna! Stop playing dressup and ditch the one piece romper. Ugh. How does she walk in all those pearls? Aren't they heavy? Lil' Kim is always so ladylike and demure. I love how her outfits reflect her coy nature.Holy crap! Did Shia LeBouf grow up overnight? I love how dressed up he got for his date. Classy.
Now, one would think if you were Jamie Kennedy (who's dating Jennifer Love Hewitt) that you'd want to "step up your game" when walking the red carpet. However, he seems to have ripped off the captain of The Love Boat (or one of the Bee Gees) for this ensemble. Come on, Jamie. You can do better.

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