Tuesday, July 28, 2009

After The Final Rose

How freaking cute are Jillian & Ed? While I'm not sure how they've been together so much under the radar of the free world, I completely love them together. While I don't want to get too excited (I mean, it is a Bachelorette couple, after all), I do think they seem pretty awesome together. They both look SO happy! I loved how Chris quoted one of Wes' songs at the end - how funny is that?Was it weird that Reid's moment seemed more heartfelt and sincere than Kiptyn? My heart was breaking for sweet little Reid. He should be the next Bachelor! Of course, bringing out Melissa seemed completely unnecessary. I mean, making her watch the rejection? Wasn't once enough?
But, enough of that. Back to the happy stuff....Congrats to Jillian & Ed!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. They are just DARLING TOGETHER! They are SOOO HAPPY! They both deserve it! Can't wait for there wedding! :)
