Sunday, June 21, 2009

Yes, I'm Still Meanie McPink

In case you were wondering, Meanie McPink was not a little phase. I'm still firmly sticking to my decision to be a big meanie. Yesterday I attempted to try something new and went out with a 19-year-old. Yes, I realize I was 17 when he was born, so what? Needless to say, it was a HUGE disaster and I won't be making that mistake again. Of course, even if it had gone well and he fell in love with me, I was still going to break his fragile little heart, so it's probably for the best. Does that make me a cougar? Should I be called Meanie McCougar? I know I need to stop even going out with people....I'm not in a healthy place to meet someone new. Still, it seems to dull the pain, at least temporarily. In truth, I should send myself to a deserted island far, far away and just get through this stupid phase once and for all. At least I'd stop driving everyone around me crazy as well! :)

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