Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tributes Tributes All Around

I'm finding all the tributes to both MJ and Farrah quite interesting. Here are my top three MJ tributes today:Do you think this could possibly be my hitchhiker friend? Anything's possible, right?
I wonder how long this took to make? Can MJ see it from the sky? Are these mourners also worried about getting the swine flu?Tonight on TV Land they're doing a tribute to Farrah by airing their TV series "Chasing Farrah." I have to say, she was quite entertaining to watch. In fact, she was delightful. I wish I'd watched this before. I guess it doesn't matter much now, but still. I'm enjoying it immensely.
On a related note, do you think she feels slighted that MJ went and stole her thunder?

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