Friday, June 26, 2009

Staycation for Me

So, I was invited to go to a houseboat this weekend with a bunch of friends from high school. As fun as it sounded, and how great it'd be to see everyone (not to mention the fact that I've never been on a houseboat before), I decided to stay home instead. When I went to RSVP, I noticed everyone coming with all their families and in my fragile (read: wussified and blubbering) state of mind, I decided against it. Plus, it was all the way in Northern California and who has the time to drive there? I suppose it would've been fun, though. Hmmm. Still, I need to save my vacation time for Sundance. Perhaps I'll plan something fun for the 24th of July weekend - I might be a fully functioning person again by then (fingers crossed). No promises....but maybe.

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