Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pinky's Fandance, Thursday Edition

Today I got off early from work and headed over to a movie set that was filming in town. I'd heard they needed extras, which is how I found out where the film was being shot. Although the rain made it a little more challenging, I was able to get the picture I wanted with Alyssa Milano. At first I thought she was going to be mean, but she ended up being super sweet. Hooray! I love when everything comes together. Luckily I knew the waitress at the bar where it was filming and she got me onto the set. Of course, what made the whole thing even better was that everyone we talked to said they weren't sure Alyssa would be nice and take the picture (which only made me want to get it more). Their doubt just feuled my desire to get it! :) Don't they know I love a good challenge? :)

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