Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pinky's Fandance, Friday Edition

Christopher Gorham plays Alyssa Milano's boyfriend on the movie they're working on here. I was super excited to meet him, as I love him as Henry on Ugly Betty. He was a total sweetheart, even though the picture is a wee bit nerdy. :) Of course, taking the picture with him almost got me kicked off the set...oops! I'm getting in all kinds of trouble with my stalking lately, huh? After we took the pic, someone on-set asked if I was an extra. Since I didn't want to say "No, I'm just lurking around waiting for a picture," I said yes. Apparently that was the wrong answer, as extras can't have cameras. Oops-y. Heidi said I shouldn't have said I was an extra, but I panicked! I'm not good in pressure situations...I definitely need to learn some tips from Hiba and Heidi - they're pros! :)

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