Monday, June 22, 2009

People Are Crazy

Get this - last night I went to dinner with some guy who said he had to tell me about his "situation" when we got to dinner. Um, OK. I asked him if he was married and he said no (we were on the phone at the time). Flash forward to dinner and he tells me that not only does he have a wife (who he hardly sees, so it's like he's single), but he ALSO has a girlfriend. Um, really? WTF?!? Have I entered some sort of Dating Twilight Zone? I mean, seriously? I've got a lunch date today with someone I actually know, so that's positive. Still, I'm thinking I need to go back into hibernation. I don't think my mind is open enough for these types of alternate relationships. Needless to say, I ran from the restaurant screaming and pulling out my hair (slight exaggeration).

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