Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Origin of the Lovejoy

I know what you're thinking: Pinky Lovejoy, you have the coolest name. Where on earth did you come up with it? Well, let me share the story with you (are you on the edge of your seats?). Once upon a time, during one of my breaks from college (so, obviously many, many years ago), I met a cute boy at a party named Jupiter Lovejoy (yes, that was his actual name). I was immediately smitten with both him and his awesome name and we decided (in our 19-year-old wisdom) that we should get married. Not a real marriage, mind you, but a "ceremonial" service. Whatever. So, the next day we went to a local park and "got married" complete with rubber band ties as a ring. Yeah, I don't know what we were thinking either. We then proceeded to take a plethora of pictures of our "honeymoon" (exhibit A listed above) and went on our merry ways. I'm not even sure we kept in touch (so much for a close relationship with my fake husband), but I kept the name anyway for use in my alternate universe because it's the coolest name ever. Flash forward to last year, when I'm still using his name as my myspace name, my blog name, etc. and I find him on Facebook. Uh-oh. Now I have to fess up to the continuous use of his name, which he just thinks is hysterical. In fact, whenever he talks to me, he'll call me Mrs. Lovejoy (which I still love). So, there you have it. Long story short, my name is derived from my long ago fake marriage in a park with a total stranger. The end. :)

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