Wednesday, June 3, 2009

On My Mind - Bad Day Edition

Before I finally hit the pillow (will it hit me back after this terrible day?) I wanted to express a few random thoughts: Sheryl Crow is on Conan right now (whom I adore, btw, and love that he's on earlier, although it conflicts with my boyfriend Dave) singing a song from, like ten years ago. Really, Sheryl? Come on. You're better than that. Oh, Conan did have the funniest bit during "In the Year 3000" - he said in the year 3000 Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube would join forces to become YouTwitFace. Now that's funny! I watched Revolutionary Road tonight. It was a masterpiece and the acting was superb. Are there any finer actors out there than Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio?I think not. Words I never want to hear again (this week): Speidi, Jon OR Kate, medication (OK, really, I just never want to have to take timed medication again because I'm sick of revolving all my decisions around when I can take my stupid pill), twitter, tweet, Susan Boyle, and, of course, the economy (STILL sick of it). Craig Ferguson is funny. Like, really really funny.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Ok the word "Kate" really isn't too bad! I mean I super cute- right?