Sunday, June 28, 2009

Meanie McPink Shoots Them Down

I ran into an old friend the other day who wants to take me out. To be fair, he's been asking me out for a long time and I always have some reason I can't go. It's not anything against him - it just always seems like the timing is bad for one reason or another. Tonight I realized that it's too soon to be trying and not fair to him for me to go. Plus, he's already annoying me - sending me little text messages just to say hi or goodnight. Gross, ick. Meanie McPink does not like kind little gestures like that, remember? And doing them will make me run for the hills. So, I texted him (because I'm too much of a chicken to call) and said I wasn't ready to date and I'll have to take a raincheck. Can you say chicken bawk bawk? What a coward. Still, I do feel better for knowing myself enough to realize that dating is a bad idea right now. That's a start, right? Plus, I've got all those crafts to do. How will I ever get started if I'm always going out?

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