Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lagoon Day - Official Report

Yesterday was my company's day at Lagoon (the local amusement park) and just like last year my friend Bonny (which is his last name, but what I always call him) came with me. I felt kinda bad for him, as I was pretty much an emotional mess all day, but he was a trooper and still ended up having a good time. Ruthie hung out with us for half the day, which worked out because I hurt my leg and didn't feel like going on many rides, so she went with him on the scary rides. We also returned to the store we found Galoon in last year and got the super fun pimp hat I'm wearing in the pics below. How could I pass up a $6 hat??! I was thinking of getting a sibling for Galoon, but couldn't find anything I liked aside from the cool hat. Tonight I'm going to dinner and a movie with Bonny - should be fun. He realizes my need to be surrounded by people right now, lest I lose the rest of my already fragile mind.

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