Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kelly Clarkson Is a Big Ol' Be-yotch

I'm sorry, but it has to be said: Kelly Clarkson may have a fantastic voice and amazing songs, but the girl is a Be-yotch with a capital B. Seriously, I was shocked. Me and my girls (Hiba and Heidi) braved the outside show and powered through it (even after being rained on, being surrounded by stupid people from Utah County who couldn't drive and/or walk, and almost running out of gas while sitting in the parking lot to exit for hours on end). We somehow survived all that and made it backstage after the show (well, the back area of the stage) just in time to see Kelly whisked away in a van. OK, that's fine, we missed her, no big deal. Well, when we got back into town we decided to drive-by a few hotels to see if we could find her (which, quite frankly, was like finding a needle in a haystack, but we wanted to at least try). As luck would have it, WE FOUND HER (!). I couldn't believe it. But guess what? The girl is a Be-yotch. Would not even look at us even after I said, "Kelly." She looked at the ground, walked by us, and got on an elevator. Her bodyguards/people were mean and scary and hated us. As if! We're not scary at all....we just wanted a silly little picture. Fine! At least we were able to see a cool double rainbow at the show. That was a highlight for sure. Meeting Kelly? Big Fail. And even after all the hard work of finding her! I'm still shocked. I thought we were going to be besties. :( UPDATE: This is Hiba's version of the story (from her blog). I think it's much more succinct and to the point: Anyway, after the show (long story short) we tried to find Kelly. She was a bitch, her people were bitches and we got the shaft. For shame Miss Kelly. For shame! I voted for you!

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