Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Facebook Filtering

I've decided that someone needs to teach a class on how to express yourself on Facebook. For example, when leaving a birthday message on someone's wall, keep it simple (but more than a Happy Birthday, if possible). Do not list out all the reasons why the greeting is late, or how you have a migraine, or how your husband isn't doing his chores and thereby driving you crazy. You see, a birthday message is about the OTHER person, NOT yourself. See how that works? Likewise, no one wants to see constant status updates about your child going pee pee or poopy on the potty. Seriously, knock that crap off (pun intended). WE DON'T CARE. I mean, sure, we're thrilled for this momentous occasion for you, but no one needs to be informed in real time. In a similar vein, anyone updating their status more than three or four times a day needs to get a serious life. And knock off with the ALL CAPS. Did you get all that? Fantastic. Thank you for your time. :)


  1. Whoever could you be referring to in this post? Hmmm...

  2. I dunno, Shmeg, it's a mystery, that's for sure! :)
