Monday, June 15, 2009

Drama Mama

Let's see....where to start on tonight's episode of The Bachelorette?

The first date up was with Mike. He's quickly becoming completely adorable in my eyes. He's kind of a little puppy dog. I like his enthusiasm for sure. Was the next date the group date? I can't remember. I liked her interaction with Robby, but I don't really see him going the distance. Can someone please tell me how Tanner is still on this show? Sure, he's nice enough, but come on. I can't believe he beat out Mark.Reid is hot stuff. I love the friendship/relationship with them. Hot great was the date with Jesse? Now I see why he makes it so far. I didn't initially find him very attractive, but he's growing on me for sure.I love watching how smitten Jillian is with Kypton. I love that she blurted out, "I like you! Do you like me?" She's like a teenager with him. So cute.Somebody's going to need to get me Jake's number because his days on the show are definitely numbered (see what I did there....I'm hysterical). Poor perfect thing. Ah, Ed. Did he make the right choice? I guess we'll never know. He was really cool, though. I was sad to see him go.Why did Wes looked so messy at the rose ceremony? Was he playing in the gutter? How does his secret still not come out? He's blatantly pimping his CD. Gross.

I think they overdid it with the previews, because it looks like the last three are Wes, Jesse, and Reid. WTF??! What happened to the other hotties? And who would win out of those three?

Side note: Those proposals on ABC's Marry Me, Monday were SO romantic. Was it necessary for me to tear up at each one? I'm such a baby.

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