Sunday, June 14, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Monday Edition

Hello and welcome to Monday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Gee, somebody sure looks PERKY today. Guess there's no reason to suspect she could be wearing a bra.....In case you're wondering - No, making fun of Kelly Clarkson from this point forward is NEVER going to be old. Wow, is she wearing the same shirt she wore in Orem? Apparently she was unable to be a civilized person to her loyal fans because she was busy bleaching her hair some hideous color and being her overall bitchy self. I'm not sure which is scarier - the crazy look in Russell's eyes or the amount of chest hair he's flashing. What's the purpose of a shirt if he's going to walk around like that?Poor Hayden. Apparently she was called away on some shopping emergency from her home while she was in the middle of washing her make-up off. Poor thing.Help! Someone call the Fashion Police - Lil' Kim is one shake away from some serious infections.

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