Monday, June 1, 2009

Bachelorette Recap - David, I Hate You So

Can this David guy take a hike already? Man, I hate him on sight.

I mean, look at his eyes. He's got a crazy face. He needs to beat it. Now. I'm typing this as the show is on, so I'm crossing my fingers that he gets the boot tonight.It needs to be said again, I freaking worship Jillian. I want to be besties with her. I'm not sure I've ever liked a Bachelorette more.First date of the night? That scary drop across the LA skyline with Ed. I would NEVER in a million years have done that, so kudos to him (in fact, I was scared just watching it). But where did he come from? I don't remember seeing him before; that being said, I kinda dig him.Next off, the big ol' date with 11 guys. Brutal. Robby gave Jillian a really hot kiss, though. Nicely done. I like him a lot (UPDATE: Um, why did he have to tell Juan that he agreed with David? He just dropped down a few notches in my book).The last one-on-one date? Poor Sasha. Going home on a bus. I thought she was totally digging him at first, so I was surprised by the dismissal. Plus, did she have to go and get the rose just to tell him he wasn't getting it? That seemed a wee bit harsh.Reid looks like a last minute contender (although this shirt pictured above isn't doing him any favors). He does have a bit of the gay face, but he seems sweet.

I'm still on the fence about Juan and Wes. Where were Jesse and Jake? Were they hiding?

UPDATE: Stupid David getting the last stupid rose. Why can't they play the tape of the fight for Jillian? And why does David think she'd take his side? His side sucks. All he ever talks about is Juan. I think he might be in love with him. David + Juan sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G.


  1. David seriously needs to be KICKED! What a insecure LOSER! LOL! There wasn't one time that he didn't speak without Juan's name in his mouth!!! His name must taste good! ha-ah-aha-ha-ha-ha-ah!!!!

  2. I'm with you on David. If she were to marry him she would end up in a battered women's shelter in no time. He is crazy. She will figure it out soon enough if both David and Juan are back for another round. Couple of things...I loved Ed after their date. He is hot stuff. Also, I liked Reid but he is Chandler from Friends. Robby is also cute. That was one hot kiss he gave her on camera. I'm glad there are a few more contenders but you can tell that she still digs our pilot since he got the first rose. Oh, and Wes needs to be gone...he is driving me crazy with the same old song. Sing your way to the Limo Wes.
