Monday, June 22, 2009

Marry Me, Jake!

Wow - last night's episode of our beloved Bachelorette sure had a few surprises, no? Now, was it just me, or was Jillian looking worn down? She was looking so tired throughout the entire episode; I just wanted her to slow down and take a nap. The neverending train ride was an interesting concept (were there no other passengers than the bachelors? Where was the train engineer?).First of all, hard times Robby. There's nothing worse than being dumped and then left to fend for yourself in the Canadian outback after being dropped off by a train. Yikes. Poor kid never knew what hit him.
I'm still loving how much Jillian is crushing on Kiptyn, but alas, I fear he's not going to make the cut (as he's missing from the previews for the overnight dates). I wonder what he did wrong? Where are they going to leave him?
Reid is adorable and I love his chemistry with Jillian. She definitely seems to share something with him which is missing from the rest....and I even love all his neurosis (spelling?) and how comfortable they are together. Still, if he's the one who can't "perform" (really? This is open for discussion on the show now?) then it's going to suck big time.
The biggest surprise, of course, was watching my TLF and frontrunner Jake be cut in favor of Michael (are you serious, Jillian? What are you smoking?!). He looked so sad and broken hearted, I just wanted to give him a hug and make it all OK (and if you're reading this, Jake, please send me an email. I'd love to give you some TLC. I'll be your co-pilot any day of the week). I love that he's going to come back and stir up some trouble. You go, Jakey-poo!I'm not even going to glorify Wes by posting his picture again, but WHAT A FREAKING SLIMEBALL!!! Actually admitting he's there to plug his CD and NOT the girl?!?! Seriously, how can they let him get as far as he does - it seems unfair to the rest of the guys who are honestly looking for a wife.
As for Tanner leaving, no big whoop. I never figured out why he made it this far anyway - especially with the freaky foot fetish.
The previews are KILLING me. Someone coming back and proposing? So many questions. How will it end up? Will she ride off in the sunset with her White Knight? Will she finally find her Happily Ever After? Oh, wait. We're talking about a TV show. My bad. These things NEVER work out! :)

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