Friday, May 8, 2009

Vicious Cycle

I'd like to say that I woke up today refreshed, invigorated, and ready to start the day, but I'm afraid that would be a big, fat lie. Instead, I woke up in shock with swollen eyes wondering how I could be so stupid. It seems my entire life has been a series of one revolving relationship after another and after (almost) 36 years one would think I'd get a clue and stop the cycle. But, no. As soon as N and I broke up, I resorted to seeking out ex-boyfriends (my typical M.O. on the phone for emotional support. Neverending Boyfriend called me like 100 times to make sure everything was OK and sent me a text that said, "F that guy. I love you. Lots of people love you." It made me cry. Oh, wait. Everything makes me cry. Man, I just want to get in my car right now and drive away.


Tracie said...

NB was totally right. :)

Taryn said...

Sorry to hear that! i would like nothing more that to see you find "the One" and live happily ever after!!!!!

On another note "our" birthday is coming up soon :) I am sending a gift with my mom to work for you - nothing big just a little something I saw and it said Kristen all over it!