Yesterday at work I finally got the necklace I'd ordered last month which I'd been anxiously waiting for
(well, at least until the whole stupid break-up happened). It was an initial necklace with the letter N on it
(yes, I'm 12, we don't need to focus on this part of the story). Um, ouch. Talk about a stab in the heart. I know, I know, I probably should've cancelled the order, but I thought it was too late
(and, of course, I kinda still thought there was some hope.....oops, did I say that out loud?). So, now we're trying to find alternate names that the N could possibly stand for. A few of my favorites so far: No, Nice, Neanderthal, and the very best: NEXT. Any other suggestions?
i like "next" but while you're in the mode of swearing off men it could be "no one."
(i agree - that would hurt - way to think of good substitutes. or just give it away to a friend whose name begins with n so you won't have to see it - preferably a friend who lives far away.)
could stand for "neener", as in "neener, neener, little weiner"
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