Monday, May 11, 2009

Dinner with the Girls

I'm so lucky to have great friends. Tonight I was treated to a delicious dinner at The Spaghetti Factory by Inge and Tracie. We tried our best to give the Star Trek "Live Long and Prosper" sign, but I'm not sure we really pulled it off. They also brought some fun treats because a girl can never have too much Hello Kitty stuff! Wahoo! Love it! Big thanks to Taryn, as well, for the super cute flamingo spreader - it's fantastic! Taryn and I share a birthday - we're birthday buddies! I love that she thought ahead and sent a little something to work with her mom. I'm so spoiled! Big thanks also to my dad (who suffered some major car trouble on the way home today) for all the fun birthday stuff this weekend. Sure do love you all! Smooches. :)

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