Hello and welcome to Tuesday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.

What is about Lindsay Lohan's fashion sense? Why can she never pull it together? Today she happens to be wearing pants...but they're the worst fitting pants ever. MC Hammer has better fitting pants.

Why is Matthew Mc-con-a-hottie wearing clothes? Doesn't he know his sole purpose in life is to undress and make me happy?

Is SJP wearing an acid washed dress with a rope as a necklace? Really? And should we give Matthew's sideburns their own name?

I can't decide which part of Beyonce's outfit I hate more - the way-too-big shoulder pads, the leggings (yikes!), or the bag the size of a small country. OK, I hate it all.

Ah, Kate Gosselin. It's lovely to see you, too. Who wouldn't want to see your bright, shiny face? Oh, that's right. Jon.
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