Friday, May 1, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Saturday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's Celebrity Wrap Up.I'm not sure why Winona Ryder has such bad posture, or why Zachary Quinto decided to style his hair a la Fonzie, but it definitely makes for an interesting picture.Whoever pushed Pete Wentz into a cake is my new hero.

Kate Walsh continues to offend the world with her horrible fashion sense. Nice sweater/shiny skirt/black tights combo. Yikes.

Yowza, Kate Hudson! See, now this is much better from your recently frumpy look. Nicely done.

You've gotta hand it to Jessica Simpson for sticking with what she loves. While the world over has given up on the jean jacket, Jessica doesn't care. She's going to wear that trashy jacket until you have to pry it off of her.

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