Saturday, April 25, 2009

What Has TV Come To?

In my defense, there really isn't a lot on TV mid-day on a Saturday. So, I ended up catching an episode of the new show on TV Land called The Cougar, which is basically a Bachelor rip-off, except the main person is a woman over 40 and the guys are all in their 20's (where do I sign up?? Oh wait, aren't I already living a real-life version of this?). It was mildly entertaining, with the exception of the end where instead of roses she gives out kisses to each guy. When they walk up, she says, "Kiss me" and then either get to kiss her on the mouth (which means they stay) or she turns and gives him the cheek (which means he's a big loser). OUCH. Now, maybe it's just me, but it seems a bit brutal! Even more so than the usual degredation found on these sort of shows. Not so sure I'll be tuning in again...

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