Saturday, April 4, 2009

Trapped Inside

After living on my street for the past seven years, one would think I'd be used to Conference weekend. Alas, I'm not. As I live so close to the Conference Center, I end up planning my entire weekend around when I can or can't leave my apartment - lest I end up in traffic with a million Mormons who can't drive. It's a dream. I just moved my car back onto street parking, as I didn't get home until just before noon today and had to park in the back (but at least I got home before all the throngs of people started walking to their cars). Ugh. I'll be so happy when it's all over and my street can get back to normal. Until then, I'll be trapped inside here.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate slightly. I totally used to feel that way when I loved by Liberty Park. Every year on the 24th of July, I could never go anywhere because of all the people parking on my street for the parade.
