Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pinky's Fandance, Wednesday Edition

Getting my picture with Greg Kinnear was like Sophie's Choice for me, as he was standing next to Steve Carrell and I had to choose between them (!). I'd thought I could swoop in for Greg and then back-track to Steve, but alas. It was not to be. Steve was mobbed and there was just no getting in for the picture. I'd actually had a chance to get Steve's picture the night before, but some lady who was with him gave me a crusty look and I chickened out, figuring I'd see him in the morning when it was an easier opportunity. Sigh. I've tried to reassure myself that it's OK because I'd been wanting Greg's picture for a long time and there's always time to get a picture with Steve Carrell, right? Still.....Darnit. Blurgh.

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