Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pinky's Fandance, Wednesday Edition

One year my friend Scott invited me to be his "plus one" at an industry party. While we were waiting in line, I saw Rachel Dratch a few feet away. Being a huge fan of SNL, I couldn't resist going over to get a picture with her. When I got back to the line, I said to Scott, "I just got Rachel Dratch!" apparently a little too loudly because he was completely mortified. I guess when you go to an industry party, it's not cool to get pictures with the talent. Oops-y. Since then I've seen Rachel almost every year. In fact, one year we bonded over her super cute Hello Kitty jacket. She said it was a free gift and wasn't sure she should wear it, but I told her it was the greatest thing ever and I LOVED it! :)

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