Monday, April 27, 2009

Pinky's Fandance, Monday Edition

I love Bobby Cannavale - he was great as Will's boyfriend on Will and Grace and always makes me laugh whenever I see him on a show. I recently checked out his new show, Cupid, and it was pretty cute. If I were into watching new shows right now, I'd totally add it to my list (however, I've still got months and months of shows to catch up on). Anyway, I ran into him on Main St. a few years ago and although he was "in a hurry" (aren't they all?), he was nice enough to stop and take a picture with The Pink.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This guy is the worst actor ever. I am surprised you even wrote about him. He is a one note Johnny with NO depth to his acting. Pinky I am shocked at you.
