Wednesday, April 8, 2009

An Open Letter to the Public

Dear Public,
When using the restroom, especially in public (and at work), please refrain from using your cell phone while you're sitting on the crapper. NO ONE wants to hear your trivial conversation that was *so* important it couldn't wait until you were done emptying your bowels. It is disgusting, rude, and lacking in class. I realize I've touched on this before, but obviously my words weren't quite strong enough as the phenomenom is still occuring. HANG UP YOUR PHONE when in the bathroom. Clear enough? If you don't, I'll follow you into the stall and flush that stupid phone down the toilet.
Thanks for your cooperation,
Pinky Lovejoy (concerned citizen)


  1. I agree! This is in my top 5 of pet peeves. Especially this woman i work with that has to yell in Koren why she's on the toliet. Such a joy :S
