Friday, April 24, 2009

Nobody Even Asked?

So, the most disappointing thing about my Girl's Weekend was that no one asked me if I was seeing anybody. Um, hi. I'm an *almost*-36-year-old (ah, the birthday reminders are starting only have 19 shopping days left before the Big Day) single, childless girl (woman, whatever), so The Dreaded "Are you seeing anyone" Question is the most hated question in the English language for a Single Gal to hear. However, if you are seeing someone (and yes, I realize I'm not publicly acknowledging that I am, but let's just say for argument's sake that I am), then you're more than happy to answer it. Finally! I mean, to finally get to say you're seeing someone and then gush all about him (especially if things have been going particularly well and you're deliriously happy) is the Big Pay-off for suffering through these type of questions for years. So, you can see that not being asked would be a minor thorn in my side. Blurgh.

1 comment:

  1. funny cartoon. and i hope you don't take this wrong.... but, i'm glad you're getting counseling. =) i feel i can say that it because it was the best thing i ever did for myself. i hope you get a good one! (and i totally agree with your complaint!)
