Friday, April 3, 2009

Is Honesty Really The Best Policy?

So, how much honesty do you think is necessary in life? Total honesty? Little-white-lie honesty? Or just flat out lying? Now, of course I'm not a fan of flat out lying, but when you're in a relationship (and I'm not saying I necessarily am....), aren't there times when you really don't need to share every little thing? Heaven knows I don't need to know every minute detail going through his (or whomever's) brain....nor do I need for him to know mine. But, if you purposely leave things out of a story (a conscious omission, if you will), does that constitute a lie? I had a conversation with my friend last night wherein she suggested (hypothetically, of course) that my alleged friend and I tell each other if we were to see someone else. Um, no. First of all, I don't want to see anyone else. Second of all, I REALLY don't want to know if he is (he meaning hypothetically, of course). And finally, why do we need to go there? Can't we just hang out without all the drama? Oh, wait. This is me we're talking about. I forgot.

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