Friday, April 3, 2009

Donation Frustration

Let's just clear something up right now - I HATE being asked for money for charity. You may call me Scrooge McDuck (or McPink) if you'd like, but that's the deal. I realize there are a lot of great charities out there and it's fantastic for those who get involved and raise money. I think my friends who are actively involved in walk-a-thons and fundraising are amazing and I admire them a great deal. I'll support them in spirit all they'd like. In fact, if they need a hand or need help in making something, I'm all about it. But asking me for money? No, thank you. It makes me completely uncomfortable. It has nothing to do with my love or adoration for the person asking, I just don't like it. Never have, never will. Now, that's not to say that I'm an ungiving person. I support the United Way, I used to volunteer for the homeless on a daily basis, and I try to be loving and giving to my nearest and dearest by making homemade things. These are the things which are important to me and ways I'll spend my money. I'm not a wealthy person by any means. Sure, I probably waste far too much of my small amount of money on trivial crap, but that still doesn't mean that if I had extra money I'd want to be passing out money to charities all over town. I'm sorry. It bugs me. It's not a reflection of my feelings. I can't say this enough. My good friend got mad at me last night for ignoring a cause important to her. Well, it wasn't personal. I can appreciate that it's important to her, but my deleting the email asking for money is not a reflection of my love for her. There are so many people who ask for money - for their kids' fundraisers, for charities, for benefits, and that's great. Once in awhile I'll try to buy a candy bar or something, but that's about the extent of my charitable ways. I'm sorry. I don't think I'm a bad person, it's just how I feel.

1 comment:

  1. didn't you say that you sold the candy bars once yourself? i think the point you make is good - charity is about personal choice. you choose to give in your style - if we all gave in the same way (money) then there really wouldn't be much of the human touch in it. we can't afford to lose the human touch. give your way, and when you feel inclined. we should all respect that in each other. gifts given out of expectation are no gifts at all - just obligation.
